(I now consider V.5 to be V1.0 because it WAS a actual release)
Lots of changes, but it's ready for release to the public ! The "G" struct is set and probably won't change for quite a while. (it's safe to make a module now, if you were waiting)
Any further changes will try to be compatable with this one and it's modules. If not, new modules will be supplied where possible.
This has not been released to anyone except us, don't upload it anywhere !
Globals and file routines added.
It calls "menu1" as the first module. We know the menu module works, so not to worry. Just don't mess with it, make it call your modules as a test. You can rename it THEN copy it as you want. You DO have to leave the "menu1" as is of course. You should read the module instructions.
First release of MUBBS that calls modules V.002 9/21/91
OK here we go, are you ready ??????
THE CODE WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I can get some sleep..........
Make sure all INITs are off, get rid of those pesky CDEVs that arn't standard too.
This is real basic, I mean REAL basic. The BBS will just pick up the line, wait for carrier detect and then print the "systemstartup.txt" file. It will wait till you press "Test" to call the test module, or "L" to log off. It normally would just pass on to the first module without stopping, and it would also NOT print the startup text (the first module could do that). I did this so that while you are developing you know at least the BBS is running OK before you call a module.